Staying Vaccinated: Protecting You, Your Children, and Those Around You

Information for The Center for Disease Control and Prevention

     It is much easier and safer for the health of the public to prevent diseases than to treat them.  Vaccines are the most efficient way known to prevent disease.  Vaccines prevent disease and, therefore, save lives.  Vaccines control the numerous infectious diseases that, at one time, ran rampant throughout the United States, such as polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and pertussis. Infectious diseases that are vaccine preventable are very financially costly.  Doctors visits and hospitalizations cause a financial burden on families, as well as time a family member may need to take of to care for a loved one. 
Being immunized protects communities by:
  1. Keeping rates of disease down
  2. Not spreading disease to groups of people who are unable to be fully vaccinated, such as newborns or those with a certain medical problem 

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